Fondazione Carla Fendi
Alvar Gonzales Palacios spoke.
Newstage in the restoration of the CAIO MELISSO SPAZIO CARLA FENDI THEATER. On this occasion, the restoration of the Royal Box and the Drawing Room, an example of the restoration of the three orders of the central pelmets, and the complete restoration of the pelmets of the second order will be presented.
Prof. Alvar Gonzales Palacios one of the leading experts in applied arts to internationally, illustrates the stages of this restoration through a film showing how, in the painstaking work of the restorers of the COO.BE.C cooperative, unexpected finds were brought to light. Indeed, decorations of leaves and fruits in the colors of golden ochre were discovered duringopera, in the Royal Box, and, in the Drawing Room, classic 19th-century quadratures with interior moldings in burnt-earth tones. It was the care of FONDAZIONE CARLA FENDI to bring back the original designs and restore color tones to these decorations erased by time and covered, to due to careless previous restorations, even with papers from wallpapers.
Progetto Miniera
Thomas Otto Zinzi