Cattività affettiva
Voices. Footprints. Gestures. Objects.
tracks of spaces and structures. Signs of a vital presence that from a transparent cell reproduced on a 1:1 scale radiates onto the audience, and beyond, as the exploded wooden elements that make up the cell cover the audience until to they become, in an indefinite horizon, pure color.
Pathetic Affections, conceived, realized and staged by the students of the classes 1st, 2nd and 3rd Art Institute associated seat Reclusion House under the guidance of Prof. Giorgio Flamini is not a show-truth nor a documentary: it is certainly a show that wants to give voice to the "Voices from within," the thoughts, the dreams of its protagonists, in the daily gestures, objects, significant spaces, and the rhythms that mark the time of detention.
But the substance of truth in Pathetic Affections becomes, by opera its Author-Actors, the substance of a reworking in which formal treatment to dominates.
And so the stroll becomes a performance with an almost Baushean flavor in its rigorous geometric interlockings.
The indistinct voices of backyards become rap. The solitary reflection, in its dogged repetition, bends to low of a broadside on which to weave a crescendo of humorous and self-mocking inlays. Awakening dialogues are transfigured into a kind of eidyllion with a Theocritean flavor.
The interviews lend the truth of gestures, cares, and affections to a contrapuntal treatment
Pathetic affectivity is, in many ways, in-sustainable, as can be a truth that one would like concealed or removed.
But above all, he wants to show that the word and theatrical gesture, with the formal control they demand, provide the keys to access the fullest and most authentic ποίησις and the spaces of incompressible freedom that it is capable of unlocking to those who conquer it.
to all the Students who contributed to the creation of Pathetic Affections and to Giorgio Flamini who guided them in the difficult art of inventio, my heartfelt thanks.
Prof. Roberta Galassi
(School principal)
directed from Giorgio Flamini
directed stagecraft realization from Simone Bacci and Maria Paola Buono
with the participation of Virginia Virilli
student prisoners
Marino Magro assistant director
Paolo Muroloattore screenwriter and music realization
Vincenzo Braccia actor screenwriter
Pasquale Marino actor screenwriter
Vincenzo Di Maio actor screenwriter
Giovanni Borrelli actor
Sergio Parmigiano actor screenwriter
Calogero Rocchetta actor machinist
Roberto Esposito actor machinist
Giovanni Spada actor screenwriter and audio technician
Alessandro Ferrentino actor speaker
Ferdinando Schiavo actor
Piero Pavone actor screenwriter
Giovan Battista Paris iattore
Salvatore Vicorito actor
Giuliano de Montis scenotechnician
Luigi Barbuto actor
Luigi Albanese actor
Mario Maugeri scenotechnical graphic designer
Luigi Mansi actor
Lucio Cera scenotechnician
Gaetano Trainito lighting technician
Piero Mondillo prompter extra
Giuseppe Lombardo extras set designer
GennaroOliva extras
Vincenzo De Falco extra
Francesco Giorgi extra
Massimo Calderoni extra
Giuseppe Farina extra
Nicola Paciullo extra
Sergio Fattorusso extra
Michele Pompeo extra
Gherti Generali extra
Bruno Torsi extra
Gaetano Trainito extra
Salvatore Deviato extra
Giuseppe Amendola extra
Giuseppe Pruiti extra
thanks to the Penitentiary Police and all the operators of the Spoleto Detention Home,
Ernesto Padovani director
Marco Piersigilli commander
theatrical project carried out
by theArt Instituteprison section of thePontano-Sansi Institute, Leoncillo Leonardidi Spoleto,
Roberta Galassi school director
Corrado Augias
Umberto Veronesi