"Our standard metaphor for duo improvisation is still conversation, although the analogy breaks down everywhere. What kind of conversation is it when both parties are talking at the same time, for example? We tend to to avoid other more obvious comparisons, such as dance, because we are still somewhat to uncomfortable imagining two big boys waiting, twirling romantically around the dance floor. Here is a duo that underscores how weak any attempt to explain the alchemy to words is. Is it a conversation? Yes, to times, right at the beginning Casagrande makes a quiet, thoughtful suggestion, before Bearzatti comes in with a fuller, more defined articulation of his own; at other times on these pieces, all compositions by the saxophonist, there are elements of dance, even when no explicit dance rhythm is involved. to times, there is an almost mathematical elegance in the conjunction of the elements, which is not a belittling thought: mathematics is the binder of all the arts. The only logical conclusion is that these "lost songs"-how were they lost? how were they found? or is it simply another metaphor for their delightfully distant ways? - do not lend themselves to analysis. They simply must be heard, and it is amazing how music so quietly inassertive must also be so commanding. Bearzatti and Casagrande invite us in at the beginning and keep us until the end."
saxophone Francesco Bearzatti
guitar Federico Casagrande
in collaboration with Umbria Factory Off 2023
to care of ZUT!
La Mama Umbria International
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
La MaMa Spoleto Open
Luca Marinelli
Fabian Jung
Silvio Orlando
Pablo Remón
Leonardo Lidi
Carlo Cecchi