The meaning of human existence as a daily dialectic of our life. The origin of things, their end, but also and together a new beginning. Maximum concepts that, transcending from any faith, accompany the history of the world, illustrated from an Artistic Diptych.
Genesis is told through the material suggestions of Maestro Sandro Chia. Vivid images recreate an evocative Sistine Chapel.
The **Apocalypse** is entrusted to the creative originality of director Saskia Boddeke & Peter Greenaway. Poetry and metaphor of an installation emphasize the universality of human rights.
The introductory performance, on the occasion only of the opening of the Diptych, features philosophers and poets: Massimo Cacciari and** Erri De Luca **investigate the substance of this dual human experience, introduced by the narrative of art historian, Lea Mattarella, punctuated from musical pieces with Giovanni Sollima, Raiz and Divna.
The beginning and the fulfillment
One would have to start with the last words of Revelation, going back up to the earliest ones, to be able to to contain in one glance what is most intimate and profoundly begun to to be said about the human in Genesis.
And it is from always the artists and poets who have given shape and sound to this flash of vitality before time and to its fulfillment in the fullness of days.
One has to love life intensely in its most varied expressions to want to know from what origin, from what passion, all this began; and to be pervaded by the frenzy of running with the imagination along the paths that the Promise - in every corner of the most diverse spiritualities - has bestowed as hope and momentum.
And so two artists, like two blind seers, ventured inside the unheard sound of Bereshit; and then, after Maràna tha, chose to continue into the radiant future of what is gradually revealed. Nothing like song and music can complete such a bold immersion: into the depths of time past and the infinity of time promised. With no more fear or dread: of what we have been and what is being revealed. Sharpening sensitivity and awakening it so that we can still feel the breath of those first moments and the thunder of what lies ahead.
Quirino Conti
The Beginning and the Completion
script collaboration
Loredana Scaramella
image supervision
Fiorenzo Niccoli
collaborating set designer
Michele Della Cioppa
research and musical reworking
Giordano Corapi
light designer
Vinicio Cheli
projection designer
Sergio Metalli
collaborating director
Graziano Sirci
assistant director
Mario Scerbo
graphic coordination
Cristiano Guerri
Joan Sage
music coordination
David Barsotti
set-up realization
image coordination
Fiorenzo Niccoli
collaborating set designer
Michele Della Cioppa
musical reworkings
Giordano Corapi
Graziano Sirci
light designer
Vinicio Cheli
projection designer
Sergio Metalli
production assistant
Mario Scerbo
set-up realization
music soundtrack track readjusted
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Mantra
musical soundtrack for the revised track
APOCALYSIS - "H is for Horse, H is for Hope."
concept, film, design installation
Saskia Boddeke
scripts, artwork
Peter Greenaway
original music
Luca D'Alberto
video editing
Elmer Leupen
Paolo Casati
Danny Weijermans
Mark Theater
second life design
Rose Borchovski AKA
Saskia Boddeke
Video filming / film shoot
director of photography
Ruzbeh Babol
Marrit van der Burgt
Anna De Vriend
Hendrik Aerts
Pip Greenaway
Horse dancer
Dunja Jocic
Luperpedia production
production inspector
Annette Mosk
public and press relations
Lys Bouma
image search
Willemien Ruys
statue production assistant
Willemien Gerbrandy
Italian production
executive producer
The Writing Desk
Cinzia Masòtina
Claudio Puglisi
technical coordination
Paolo Casati
set design assistance
Props & Culture
audio-video-lighting service
construction and stagecraft