The cultural strand expressed by the Festival has many points in common with what_ la Repubblica_ recounts and develops in its pages and in all its journalistic declinations. Prestigious signatures of the newspaper alternate during the Festival period with theatrical journalism performances, conversations and meetings with personalities from the artistic world. These include that of Natalia Aspesi and that of Tommaso Cerno.
conversations program:
at 17.00 Albornoz Fortress
Thomas Cerno
interview Raffaella Carrà
Interview cancelled to Raffaella Carrà
Due to personal problems of L´Espresso Director Tommaso Cerno, the interview to Raffaella Carrà scheduled for Sunday, July 2 at at 5 p.m. at the Rocca Albornoziana as part of the programming of the 60th edition of the Spoleto Festival has been cancelled.
at 18.30 Teatro Caio Melisso Spazio Carla Fendi
Natalia Aspesi
interview Adriana Asti