The scene of Era d'ottobre opens with images from Eisenstein's film dedicated to the Bolshevik Revolution and, subsequently, with Renato Guttuso's painting I funerali di Togliatti. It is from that painting that, in order to narrate the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution (1917-2017), Paolo Mieli takes his cue by trying to to explain why some of the great protagonists of the - century-long - history of communism (Lenin, Stalin, Togliatti, Dolores Ibarruri, Ho chi Minh) are represented and others (Trotsky, Khrushchev, Mao, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Solgenitsin, Dubcek) are not.
to each of these figures is devoted a portrait in the course of a narrative that crosses the Spanish Civil War, World War II, destalinization, gulags, Soviet dissent, liberation struggles, the Chinese revolution, the Cuban revolution, the Hungarian uprising, the Prague Spring, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. To end it all with the season of Gorbachev as well as the collapse of the Berlin Wall (1989). And with a tribute, in the theater, to these hundred years of history.
by and with Paolo Mieli
technical coordination Angelo Generali
Corvino Productions production
A journalist and historian, in the 1970s a pupil of Renzo De Felice and Rosario Romeo, he was a journalist atEspresso, then to Repubblica and at La Stampa, where he was also editor. From 1992 to 1997 and from 2004 to 2009 he edited Corriere della Sera. His books for Rizzoli include Le storie, la storia (1999), _Storia e politica (2001), La goccia cinese (2002), I conti con la storia _(2013) and _L'arma della memoria _(2015). Era d'ottobre, produced from Corvino Productions, is his theatrical debut.