Nobody is the new work of the #SIneNOmine Company, as always directed by Giorgio Flamini, and constitutes the first part of a diptych including, as the second show and necessary conclusion of the first, the play Victims. Nobody is an overwrought journey exemplified in the Odyssey, the beginning of which is set in the bleak glow of days spent in the περιπετειαι of the many Nobody-prisoners, whirling precipitously until landing in an Ithaca that is the very reality of incarceration: an Ithaca-Hades without light and without hope, where light and hope could be constituted from a return to the "possible-before" that is not given to hope for, when it is not the same "time-finite" to lacking as a dimension of everyday existence. Played on the inclined plane univocally directed toward the absurd situation of a homeland that, far from comforting, traps and locks up until the end of days, Nobody narrates the infinite possible adventures that, from one mistake to another, entrench the subject until to nailing him in the dimension of condemnation, placed every day in front to of a re-emergence of which the contours are not glimpsed, in an erasure of subjectivity, of individual recognition, of reconstruction of a destiny. The play takes inspiration from from some of the many Odysseas and from the many Odysseuses that have run through Western literature, from the foundational, Homeric one, to that of melodrama, to contemporary typifications: each of the Odysseuses brought to the stage is made their own, and even forced by the Actors-protagonists, and speaks of a trait of experience of these men-without-a-name, allowing themselves to be plunged into scenic visions that are usually expressionistically violent, as violent is the experience, life and psychological, of the protagonists on stage, who after all tell of nothing but themselves. As it was said, Nobody-Odysseus would not make sense, or would not have it fully, if it were not already thought of in the light of Victims: and this is said so that to no one may arise the suspicion that we want to talk about the punishment of the perpetrator without thinking that there is a punishment of the victim, because simplification does not belong to this Company, whose work, challenging, is on the contrary, to open territories of reflection to complexity, to deepening, to coming out of the easy and fearful paths of common sense. This work would never have come to fruition without the enlightened willingness and collaboration of the Management of Casa di Reclusione di Maiano, in particular the Director Dr. Luca Sardella, and the Prison Police, in particular the Commander Dr. Marco Piersigilli, the availability and support of the Supervisory Court of Spoleto in particular Dr. Grazia Manganaro, as happens in such impressive works for organizational effort, thanks go to the Management Staff, the Prison Police, the Educators all. Gratitude goes to all the Actors-prisoners, to all the inmates who remained "Behind the scenes" for the realization of the scenic project, scenes, script, makeup, costumes, to all the volunteers, to the professional Actors and dancers, without whom the 'opera would have been other from what it is. Immense gratitude to the "shepherd of peoples" director Giorgio Flamini.
_Roberta Galassi, school principal II.S Sansi Leonardi Volta _
directed by Giorgio Flamini
by and with **the inmates actors, singers, dancers, playwrights, set designers, costume designers and Nobody from the #SIneNOmine company **
with **Beatrice Leonardi, Diletta Masetti, Sara Ragni, Cristina Spina, Virginia Virilli, **
Miriam Nori, Loretta Bonamente, Antonietta De Santis, Lucilla Rosi, Alessandra Cimino, Elisa Cappelli, Loredana Paggi, Marilena Fiori, Virginia Ryan, Giulio Minci, Claudia Marani, Simona Sclippa
choir director Francesco Corrias
Ad Cantus Vocal Ensemble Choir
sopranos **Paola Andreani, Sabrina Bartoloni, Maddalena D'Amico, Maria Chiara D'Oronzo, Maria Beatrice Goretti, Barbara Palcani, Rita Pallucca, Silvia Panetta, Stella Visciola **(Amore, Fortuna)
Altos Alessandra Angelini, Serenella Fanelli (Tempo), Lorita Felicetti, Franca Menichelli, Lucia Napoli (L'Humana Fragilità),** Marta Perugini, Valentina Ranucci, Tiziana Santoni, Patricia Veronica Verdejo**
tenors Sergio Fancelli, Andrea Franchini, Gianni Martina, Giuseppe Pippi, Paolo Scipio, Vittorio Zanon
low **Paolo Maria Bartolini, Feliciano Nalli, Alessandro Pedrazzi, Marco Pimpinicchi **
Dancers Margherita Costantini, Giulia Melchiorri, Maria Serena Perna, Chiara Veronesi
choreography Laura Bassetta, Mariolina Maconio
Claudio Monteverdi music , Fabrizio De Rossi Re, Francesco Corrias
scenes Giorgio Flamini, Giuliana Bertuccioli, Mariapaola Buono, Martina Paliani, Michele Zualdi
scene making **stage design workshop of the restricted high school of art carpentry and prison workshops **
"Surfacing" scenic installation by **Virginia Ryan **'hair extensions' le Mami Wata
costumes Sofia Verna, Pina Segoni, Sabrina Cardinali
tailoring **Sofia Verna **
Molly's costume by Virginia Ryan
designed by the British designer living in italy **Hilay Bockham **
makeup Pina Segoni
jewelry Miriam Nori
texts by** #SIneNOmine **and by Anna Leonardi, Elisa Cappelli, Luigi Beccafichi, Enrico Dangerio, Sara Ragni and inmate dramaturgs from the House of Reclusion
Quotes from **Omero, Dante Alighieri, Giacomo Badoaro, Constantine Kasakis, James Joyce, Cesare Pavese, Giovanni Pascoli, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Alberto Savinio, Pietro Citati, Umberto Saba **
Odyssey seminars with inmate actors held from Matteo Tarasco
research adaptation, text processing Roberta Galassi, Giorgio Flamini, Rita Cerioni, Luciana Santirosi
adaptation of language texts English language teachers and foreign inmates
#SIneNOmine photographers Vincenzo Porfilio, Tania Agostini, Kim Mariani, Irina Mattioli, Pasquale Palmieri
trailer and filming #SIneNOmine and Videomaker by Giovanni Barchi, Simone Bacci
service** Opera 26** and** prison police technicians **
service sponsors Angela Brides, Miriam Nori, ItalPoltrone, Publi 2M
stagecraft and iron works made by Mof inmates with the officers in charge
supported show from
Casa di Reclusione di Maiano of Spoleto,
IIS Sansi Leonardi Volta,
Francesca, Valentina and Luigi Antonini Foundation
under the patronage of Antigone Umbria Onlus
_the show is among the activities of the conference/refresher/training seminar, "The National Day of the World That's Not There-Territories of Reflection" organized by CESP center for public school studies July 6/7/8 _