The first edition of the Rai Festival for the Social addresses the theme of sustainability in the economic, environmental and Social spheres, and meets the international cultural vocation of Festival dei Due Mondi Spoleto. At a time when the whole of Europe is questioning the direction from take and the use from give to the huge resources put in place to get out of the crisis, Rai proposes a reflection on Agenda 2030 and on the path that the living forces of Italian society - labor, business, the world of solidarity - are taking to seize this great opportunity for transformation. An opportunity for the Public Service to define its profile in a way that is increasingly consistent with the objectives of Social cohesion that legitimize it. Over the three days of the Rai Festival for the Social, it is therefore authoritative signatures from the company who accompany participants in dialogue with distinguished personalities from national and European institutions.
Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio d'Amico