Soirée Sotìs
The "lady of bon ton" meets the "performer of dance," a touch of the best "Italian design" and here is Soirée Sotìs. These are the ingredients of an absolutely special evening.Only the intuition of Valeria Magli, one of the most refined and interesting artists on the European scene, could think of drawing from the book by Lina Sotis Ragazze: una come tutte an irresistible, cruel, tenacious performance in the typical style of the icon of the intellectual Milan of the 80s and 90s.The show reconstructs the thread of everyday stories of ordinary frenzy.Women of modern times through three monologues with armchairs.Mara, the ungentlemanly rich, and again young ladies of today, passionate, verbose and neurotic women, unrepentant dreamers.The female figures described in Lina Sotis' texts come to life in a gallery to sometimes ironic or delicate and dreamy, over which hovers that mysterious feeling that is love.
Valeria Magli brings to theater the girls of Lina Sotis
by Valeria Magli from texts by Lina Sotis
with Valeria Magli
direction and choreography Valeria Magli
production VAGA
we thank Marinella Manicardi, Paolo Mazzi, Giampiero Berti
Technical sponsors: Poltrona FRAU and MERITALIA
Contributed by >Conadto>
Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio D’Amico”
Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio D’Amico”