Eleven and Twelve / 11 and 12
"God, through his prophets, gave to mankind, a clear and simple commandment, "Thou shalt not kill."
This has been the case for Christians as well as Muslims. It is evident to our eyes today that neither rational thought, nor intelligent discussion, nor social analysis have ever been able to to influence or to explain the endless stream of hatred running through history. Heartbreaking human situations that the great African writer, Amadou Hampaté Bâ, who was born in a traditional African village and entered
from the French colonial administration as a young man, lived from close to and deeply fought all the dramatic consequences of. In the book, Tierno Bokar, he draws on the experiences of his own life, revealing a vivid depiction of what was the irrepressible fervor in the family sphere and in social and political relations. The centrality of the religious question and what its place should be in everyday life is ever present, not so much to draw moral conclusions from it as to experience to the full its frightening contradictions. 11 and 12 are two numbers that on a merely theological level have deep and hidden significance. In the recent past, these abstract figures have gradually taken shape, becoming the source of feuds, violence and massacres. 11 and 12 also showcases the categorical beliefs of two remarkable characters, Tierno Bokar and Cherif Hammalah. Both believe that for a human being tolerance is the most difficult as well as the most essential quality from to develop.
They hold fast despite all pressures and ultimately sacrifice their existences in the name of a supreme tolerance endowed with a power even stronger than violence and therefore able to contain it.
The theme of 11 and 12 proves not only irresistibly compelling in its dramatic storytelling quality, but in that it is as close as ever to our current concerns."
Peter Brook
Peter Brook was born to London in 1925, where he directed his first work in 1943. from then onward he would direct more than 70 productions to London, Paris and New York. His work with the Royal Shakespeare Company includes Love's Labour's Lost (1946), Measure for Measure (1950), Titus Andronicus (1955), King Lear (1962), Marat/Sade (1964), US (1966), to Midsummer Night's Dream (1970) and Antony and
Cleopatra (1978).
In 1971, he co-founded with Micheline Rozan the International Centre for Theatre Research to Paris, and in 1974, he inaugurated his permanent base at the Bouffes du Nord theater, where he directed Timon of Athens, The Ik, Ubu aux Bouffes, Conference of the Birds, L'Os, The Cherry Orchard, The Mahabharata, Woza Albert! The Tempest, The Man Who, Qui est là! Oh! les Beaux Jours, Je suis un Phénomène, Le Costume, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Far Away, La Mort de Krishna, Ta Main dans la Mienne, Le Grand Inquisiteur, Tierno Bokar, Sizwe Banzi is dead, Fragments, Warum Warum and Love is my Sin, many of which he has performed in both French and English.
In the opera field, he conducts La Bohème, Boris Godounov, The Olympians, Salome and The Marriage
of Figaro at Covent Garden; Faust and Eugene Onegin at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York; La Tragédie de Carmen and Impressions of Pelleas, at the Bouffes du Nord, Paris; and Don Giovanni for the Aix en Provence Festival.
Peter Brook's autobiography, Threads of Time, was published in 1998 and joins other titles that include The Empty Space (1968) - translated into more than 15 languages, The Shifting Point (1987), Evoking (and Forgetting) Shakespeare (2002), There are no Secrets (1993) and With Grotowski (2009).
His films include Lord of the Flies, Marat/Sade, King Lear, Moderato Cantabile, The Mahabharata and
Meetings with Remarkable Men.
presented from Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord
taken from Vie et enseignement de Tierno Bokar - Le Sage de Bandiagara by Amadou Hampatè Bâ
adaptation by Marie-Hélène Estienne
directed Peter Brook
music Toshi Tsuchitori
lighting design Philippe Vialatte
costumes Hélène Patarot
with Antonio Gil Martinez, Makram J. Khoury, Tunji Lucas, Jared McNeill, Khalifa Natour, Abdou Ouologuem, Maximilien Seweryn
technical direction consultant Simon Bourne
company directorArthur Franc
co-commissioned from:
C.I.C.T/ Thèâtre Des Bouffes du Nord, Paris
barbicanbite 10, London
Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw
Presented in collaboration with William Wilkinson for Millbrook Productions Ltd.
Italian premiere in collaboration with Attiki Cultural Society
Performed in English with Italian surtitles
Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio D’Amico”