Crusades is a theatrical work that offers multiple insights into the need to work out paths of peace and mutual tolerance, which are indispensable, yesterday as today, to overcome mistrust and foster real integration between cultures and peoples. Nathan the Wise, an Enlightenment poem by G. E. Lessing,
tells the story of the Jew Nathan, who, having lost his wife and children in an anti-Semitic pogrom, adopts a Christian orphan named Recha. The story takes place to Jerusalem, crossroads of the three monotheistic religions - Christianity, Judaism, Islam - during the Third Crusade.
"There are times when conflicts that seemed forgotten return. Modernity had deluded us that differences between faiths were ancient stuff. But to times the ancient and the modern intertwine without logic. Theater is ancient. It is the place of civic meditation and can help to understand. Crusades brings together voices, perhaps distant from each other: those of so many men who over time have found the words to ask questions to God and seek his answers in events."
Gabriele Vacis
Artistic Director Fondazione Teatro Regionale Alessandrino
Loosely based on to "Nathan the Wise" by E. G. Lessing
text and direction Gabriele Vacis
with Valerio Binasco
staging and scenofonia Roberto Tarasco
stage technicians Alberto Comino, Massimiliano Gulinelli, Luca Loddo
production Teatro Regionale Alessandrino