Italo Carmignani, Danilo Capezzani
Sessanta decibel
storia di un'intervista possibile
The decibel is the unit of measurement used to quantify noise. Sixty decibels is the perfect listening threshold. Sixty decibels develop such an intensity of sound that the human ear simply listens. Without fatigue or pain. And it absorbs. The buzz of an averagely crowded café, a daytime street not too busy, a natural conversation between two people. to sixty decibels a journalist, a communicator, a sender, in short a human being, naturally conveys information. to sixty decibels the recipient of that information naturally listens. And he takes in that information. He introjects it. from that moment he will take it in, and he will mature toward it his own personal critical thinking. Or he won't.
to sixty decibels a structured journalistic interview is an elected moment of truth compared to other journalistic or news reporting systems. So it has been historically, Enzo Biagi, Gianni Minà, Giovanni Minoli, Vittorio Zucconi come to mind. The interviewee and the interviewer. Questions and then answers, simply facing each other. The confession of intimacy, and possible truth, in the face of the increasingly confused din of the written word today. On blogs, in newspapers to national circulation, on social networks. Sender and recipient. How is it possible today to denude information from any risk of confusion? If gradually the interview becomes show, and gives way to spectacle, and the direct and real relationship with the journalist-interviewer is increasingly lost, is it inevitable to lose touch with the truth? It is clear that on the sender's side there is no longer any real interest to in establishing a real boundary between what is trustworthy and what is not. What is true, and what is false. And this war is being waged first and foremost on the platforms. to take the brunt of it, the recipient. Who - only at best - becomes the victim of misinformation.
In ten short stories and interviews, vices and virtues of news reporting over the past fifty years, and of a changing country.
with Italo Carmignani
artistic supervision Danilo Capezzani
playwrights Pierfrancesco Franzoni and Davide Novello
Spoleto production Festival dei Due Mondi
in collaboration with Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria
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Stefano Mancuso