What led me to to write "Product" was an impulse I shared with many other writers: the need to find a voice for the emotional and intellectual landscape that had changed after 9/11 by initiating to a new era - that of the so-called - "clash of civilizations" - "war on terror." (...)
I was interested in the way we were redefining ourselves as Westerners while creating the "Muslim" as the new "Other."
Hollywood films aspire, often with ridiculous pretentiousness, to be our modern myths: so this seemed to me the perfect form to explore how new clichés and icons are created.
(Mark Ravenhill - Introduction, Methuen Drama 2008)
Mark Ravenhill born 1966, actor-director and perhaps the best playwright of his generation. His plays, some well-known, include: Shopping and fucking (1996); Faust is dead (1997); Some explicit polaroids (1999).
Product was first performed in 2005 at the Edinburgh Festival, performed by the author.
Since founding his own theater in 1968, director and actor Carlo Cecchi has directed many shows and played many roles. Recalled here are: The Bourgeois Gentleman, Il misantropo di Molière (with translations by Cesare Garboli), Büchner′s Woyzek and Leonce and Lena, Majakovski′s The Bath, Pirandello′s Man, the Beast and Virtue, Pinter′s Birthday, Beckett′s Finale di partita, and many times Shakespeare, including a trilogy: Hamlet, A Summer Night′s Dream, Measure for Measure. Since 2003 he has been a leading artist of the Teatro Stabile delle Marche, with him the Stabile has staged Pirandello′s Six Characters in Search of an Author (four years of touring also staged to Paris and Berlin), Molière′s Tartuffe, the diptych Claus Peymann buys a pair of pants and comes to eat with me/ by Thomas Bernhard / Sik Sik the Magic Artist by Eduardo de Filippo and William Shakespeare′s Dream of a Summer Night
Teatro Stabile delle Marche presents.
by Mark Ravenhill
translation by Giorgio Amitrano
with Carlo Cecchi and Antonia Truppo
directed by Carlo Cecchi
production Teatro Stabile delle Marche
Accademia Nazionale d′Arte Drammatica "Silvio D′Amico"