the world is an expanse of white snow like a page
a stranger crosses it leaving footprints like a writing
writing forms on this page a village
in the center a castle
as in a dark dream appear distrustful inhabitants, officials
corrupt and lubricious...
The project The Castle draws its inspiration from Franz Kafka′s novel of the same name, and involves the creation of a theatrical adaptation ofopera edited and directed from Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, which will take the form of a traveling show.
The different stages, or stations, will tell the vicissitudes of K: the arrival to the village, the conquest and the loss of an unstable position, the encounters with the villagers and the ambiguous emissaries of the Castle.
Simultaneously with the telling of the story, it is planned to create an internal micro-system of communication based on simulation, on fiction. A website will be set up in which an imaginary geography will be created from time to time, a route, a kind of interactive game of the oche, with windows that will open on different moments of the performance, adapted to the map of the city. Those who enter the site will be able to walk through it as K in the village, putting themselves at stake in the quest, in the small victories and defeats.
a project by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
with FACTOR K.
Loosely based on Franz Kafka′s eponymous text
Adapted and directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti
Ivan Franek K.
Mary Di Tommaso Frieda, Mizzi, Pepi, Amalia, Contadina
Julien Lambert Innkeeper, Barnabas, Coachman, Farmer
Fortunato Leccese Schwarzer, Artur, Farmer
Fabrizio Lombardo Farmer, Teacher, Mayor, Momus, Burgel
Alessandro Riceci Jeremias, Farmer, Innkeeper, Erlanger
Patrizia Romeo Innkeeper, Olga, Teacher
Set designs Giorgio Barberio Corsetti and Massimo Troncanetti
Technical direction and lighting design Massimo Troncanetti
Video and sound design Igor Renzetti
Costumes Francesco Esposito
Original music Alessandro Meozzi
Assistant directors Fabio Cherstich, Ottavia Nigris Cosattini
With the artistic collaboration of Fabio Massimo Iaquone and Luca Attili
Marchand Company Web Project - >www.ilcastellodikafka.itto>
Production management Paolo Monaci
Production assistants Ippolita Nigris Cosattini, Ombretta Moschella
Communication Ippolita Nigris Cosattini
A K-factor production.
A project sponsored by the Province of Rome - ABC Art Beauty Culture.
We thank the Institution of Palazzo Rospigliosi.
Accademia Nazionale d′Arte Drammatica "Silvio D′Amico"