Io quella volta lì avevo 25 anni
Quella volta lì avevo venticinque anni is the last prose text, never performed, written from Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini in the late 1990s. After a decade entirely devoted to Teatro Canzone, it was in fact the authors' intention to resume their ´Teatro d´evocazione´ that had seen them as protagonists of Italian dramaturgy in the 1980s. The protagonist of this monologue, perpetually 25 years old, lives from the 1940s to the present and evokes events experienced firsthand in the various eras.
Thus flows before our eyes a story to stations that stops in 2000 and already from the titles of the different chapters - Bella Ciao (1940s), Garden Manila (1950s), Attento al streetcar (1960s), Il filosofo (1970s), L'amico (1980s), Il creativo (1990s) - tells a personal, painful and sarcastic story of Italy, reinterpreted by the acrid and very human talent of Gaber and Luporini and narrated from an ordinary Mr. G in perpetual, precarious balance between hope and disillusionment.The actor, already well advanced in years, tells stories from his imaginary past ranging from the postwar period to the present.
It is not out of extravagance, nor out of youthfulness, that the actor declares that he is always twenty-five years old at all times. This choice has a twofold purpose. First, it offers the possibility of bringing to life an individual always in the fullness of his faculties in the face of the changes in our history. Also, the actor likes to imagine himself and his behaviors just as if he had actually lived these stories to that age.
GiorgioGaber and Sandro Luporini.
staged reading of an unpublished text by Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini
regia Giorgio Gallionecon Claudio Bisiopianoforte Carlo Boccadoro
songs Giorgio Gaber and Sandro Luporini
lighting design Aldo Mantovani
productionFondazione Teatro dell'Archivolto in collation with the Giorgio Gaber Foundation