International Collaboration - Descendents of the Eunuch Admiral
Descendents of the eunuch admiral is an unsettling, angry and fierce play about what is too often our life in contemporary liberal democracies. It tells us about the desire for freedom and the exercise of truth that is its prerequisite. Through a plunge into History and by identifying with the great Chinese explorer Zheng He, the protagonist of the play realizes that "real life is elsewhere. "For Kuo Pao Kun, it is a way to circumvent the censorship in place in his country and to get across what he could not have said being a citizen of Singapore.The Japanese puppet tradition handed down from 375 years by the Youkiza theater allows for a visionary theatrical approach, in which invisible worlds take shape, making their ghosts appear on stage.This play is an invitation to to look at the world through the Asian world's representation of it, according to which Europe is relegated to the planisphere in the upper to left corner, there where we habitually see Alaska.Frédéric Fisbach
original author Kuo Pao Kuntranslation Kentaro Matsuiaadaptationand direction Frédéric Fisbachscenography, costumes, lighting design and puppet art Laurent P. Berger
puppeteersMagosaburou Youki XII, Chie Youki and others from Youkiza Theatreactors Yukikazu Kano, Taka Okubo
production director and supervisor Ikuko Youkidirectionand technical director Norihiko Morishitalighting operator Koh Yamaguchi
production assistant Tetsuo Oshidatecnicians Norihiko Morishita, Yumiko Yamamatsuproduction MarionetteTheatre YOUKIZA
project Marionette Theatre YOUKIZA and Kentaro Matsui
in collaboration with Spoleto53 Festival dei 2Mondi
Supported by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in fiscal year 2010, thanks TORAY Industries Inc.