In Blanca Li’s pared-down staging, bathed in Pascal Laajili’s lighting, ten dancers interpret the myth of Dido and Aeneas in a resolutely contemporary form. Emotions and body language take precedence over the narrative to create a soaring, poetic and dense work. The recorded music, performed by Les Arts Florissants, lends a dramatic and extraordinarily lively dimension to the piece, accompanying Blanca Li’s sinuous, supple and ethereal choreography.
Voices and dancing are constantly interwoven, and the dancers merge naturally and gracefully, sometimes acting as shadows of the voices, embodying the feelings of the characters, who thus possess several bodies, each expressing itself in its own way. The staging is full of fantasy and freedom, playing on the comic and tragic aspects of the libretto. The choreography is sinuous, supple, aerial and athletic, full of ideas, images, humor, cheekiness and color, reinforced by the power of the lighting and set design. Blanca Li has freed herself from any sense of realism in relation to the text, allowing herself the freedom to address the symbolism and power of emotions in a resolutely contemporary set of images.
direction and choreography Blanca Li
assistant directors and choreography Glyslein Lefever, Déborah Torres Garguilo
set design Blanca Li
assistant set designer Nina Coulais
recorded music Les Arts Florissants - William Christie
light design Pascal Laajili
lighting assistants Jean-Luc Passarelli, Boris Pijetlovic
costume design Laurent Mercier
costumes assistant Ghjulia Giusti Muselli
with Martina Consoli, Alizée Duvernois (Didon), Coline Fayolle (Belinda), Meggie Isabet, Maeva Lassere, Julien Marie-Anne (Sorcière),Quentin Picot, Gaël Rougegrez, Gaétan Vermeulen, Victor Virnot (Enée).
production Calentito - Compagnie Blanca Li
Italian premiere
Please note that dates and times may change.
For updates consult the website
Fattoria Vittadini, Maura Di Vietri
Shahar Binyamini
Sydney Dance Company, Rafael Bonachela
Circa, Yaron Lifschitz, Franui Musicbanda