Urlicht Primal Light brings together Franui, a company of Circa acrobats and young performers from GmC lighthouse to create a new acrobat-music-theatre creation. Based on the companies shared love of Mahler’s songs, the musical spine is Franui’s Mahlerlieder album, which will be edited, augmented and adapted for this live musical performance. Accompanied by physical score developed by Yaron Lifschitz and Circa acrobats bringing the flavours and textures of Mahler, as interpreted by Franui, to life. This is a concert of new perception with twenty artists as field researchers, stimulated through discovery and appreciation, navigating this exquisite world together before us, to utter delight.
created by Yaron Lifschitz and Franui Musicbanda
with Circa Ensemble and GmC lighthouse
director Yaron Lifschitz
musical director Andreas Schett
arrangements and composition Markus Kraler, Andreas Schett
costume designer Libby McDonnell
associate costume designer Anna Handford
production manager Mark Middleton
head of sound Stefan Schett
executive producer Danielle Kellie
curator and creative producer Brigitte Fürle
Circa Ensemble
Jon Bonaventura, Holly-Rose Boyer, Helga Ehrenbusch, Scott Grove, Chelsea Hall, Samuel Letch, Laya Mauelshagen, Daniel O'Brien, Joshua Strachan, Christina Zauner
music Franui Musicbanda, Mahlerlieder
Johannes Eder clarinet, bass clarinet
Andreas Fuetsch tuba
Romed Hopfgartner sopran & alt saxophon, clarinet
Markus Kraler contrabass, accordion
Angela Rainer harp, zither
Bettina Rainer dulcimer
Patrik Hofer trumpet
Andreas Schett trumpet
Martin Senfter trombone
Nikolai Tunkowitsch violin
GmC lighthouse
Lea-Lou Blaas, Jonas Brunnauer, Felix Gschwendtner, Amalia Herzog, Ksana Körner, Simon Miller, Lina Schmarantzer, Elisabeth Shammout, Salma Shammout, Alma Wellenger, Ylvie Zopf
executive producer European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024
a co-production with European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024, Circa, FRANUI Musicbanda, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg and Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi
Italian premiere
Please note that dates and times may change.
For updates consult the website www.festivaldispoleto.com
Fattoria Vittadini, Maura Di Vietri
Blanca Li
Shahar Binyamini
Sydney Dance Company, Rafael Bonachela