Le Donne conquisteranno il Mondo,
Le Donne cambieranno il Mondo,
Le Donne salveranno il Mondo?
Women who changed the world never needed to show anything but their intelligence. (Rita Levi Montalcini)
One topic for each hour-long meeting, discussed with two "First Women" to find out how much they have in common with each other and with other Italian women. The dialogues are curated and conceived from Linda Laura Sabbadini, Alessandra Ghisleri, Nicoletta Di Benedetto and Paola Severini Melograni who will lead them.
organized from Angels Press
under the patronage
Foundation Festival dei Due Mondi of Spoleto
Marisa Bellisario Foundation
Babylonian Talmud Translation Project
the appointments are dedicated to Carla Fendi
will speak
Maria Pia Ammirati, director Rai Teche
Ambra Angiolini, actress
Maria Elena Boschi, Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Bice Cairati aka Sveva Casati Modignani, writer
Susanna Camusso, CGIL General Secretary
Sabina Ciuffini, entrepreneur
Hevi Dilara, musician, poet and artistic director of the Kurdish Film Festival
Valeria Fedeli, Minister of Education
Lella Golfo, president of the Marisa Bellisario Foundation
Filomena Greco, mayor and businesswoman
Isabella Guanzini, theologian
Giorgia Meloni, Party President
Antonella Nonino, entrepreneur
Patrizia Paterlini Bréchot, scientist
Livia Pomodoro, President Accademia di Brera and President Milan Center for Food Law and Policy
Linda Laura Sabbadini, statistics
Sonia Raule Tato, producer and writer
Camilla Laureti, Councillor for Culture of the Comune di Spoleto
Alessandra Oddi Baglioni, vice president of Confagricoltura Donna Umbria
Clelia Piperno, constitutionalist and director of the Talmud Project.
Pina Zito, President Fidapa BPW Italy section of Spoleto
friday June 30 at 5:00 p.m.
"Those who read, those who write, those who produce."
video message from Maurizio Molinari, editor-in-chief of La Stampa
greetings from Camilla Laureti and Lella Golfo
introduction by Filomena Greco
"the numbers" by Linda Laura Sabbadini.
Bice Cairati (a.k.a. Sveva Casati Modignani) and Sonia Raule (a.k.a. Isabella Della Spina) dialogue.
moderated by Paola Severini Melograni
The books presented are:
A Beat of Wings, Sveva Casati Modignani, Mondadori Electa, 2017
Ten and Praise, Sveva Casati Modignani, Sperling & Kupfer, 2016
The alchemist lover, Isabella Della Spina, Piemme editore- Mondadori group, 2017
Saturday 1 July at 17.00
"Women will change the world: to what conditions?"
greetings from Lella Golfo
introduction by Filomena Greco
Maria Elena Boschi and Linda Laura Sabbadini dialogue.
moderated by Paola Severini Melograni
Sunday 2 July
at 17.00
"The Return to the Land"
greetings from Camilla Laureti and Lella Golfo
introduction by Alessandra Oddi Baglioni
"the numbers" by Linda Laura Sabbadini.
Livia Pomodoro and Antonella Nonino dialogue.
moderated by Paola Severini Melograni
at 18.00
"Science and health: feminine nouns."
greetings from Lella Golfo
Pina Zito introduces
"the numbers" by Linda Laura Sabbadini.
Patrizia Paterlini - Bréchot and Sabina Ciuffini dialogue.
moderated by Paola Severini Melograni
The book presented:
Killing Cancer, Patrizia Paterlini - Bréchot, Mondadori, 2017
friday 7 July at 17.00
"On the STRENGTH of women, is TV telling the truth?"
greetings from Filomena Greco
introduction by Camilla Laureti
"the numbers" by Linda Laura Sabbadini.
Giorgia Meloni and Maria Pia Ammirati dialogue.
moderated by Paola Severini Melograni
The book presented:
Two Wives, Maria Pia Ammirati, Mondadori, 2017
Saturday 8 July at 17.00
"Struggle and Tenderness"
greetings from Filomena Greco
introduction by Clelia Piperno
"the numbers" by Linda Laura Sabbadini.
Susanna Camusso and Isabella Guanzini dialogue.
moderated by Paola Severini Melograni
The book presented:
Tenderness, Isabella Guanzini, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2017
Sunday, July 9 at 5:00 p.m.
"Politics is not entertainment, entertainment is political?"
greetings from Lella Golfo
introduction by Filomena Greco
and conclusions by Clelia Piperno
Valeria Fedeli and Ambra Angiolini dialogue.
moderated by Paola Severini Melograni
Will follow at at 6 p.m.
Hevi Dilara's testimony and Emma Bonino's video
The meetings are conveyed by the Twenty-seventh Hour of the Corriere della Sera, the daily newspaper La Stampa, the
Rai, from Social and also aimed at teenage girls through Radioimmaginaria.
They are supported from IGreco and Ovito.
We thank Confagricoltura, Wycon, Fidapa - BPW Italy section of Spoleto and the outstanding Ilenia Farinelli, Lucianna Salvemini and Domenica Pannuti.