Il design come strumento chiave dell´innovazione e della transizione ad un modello circolare.
event organized from Umbria Region, Sviluppumbria Spa - Innetwork Program, ADI Umbria, Arcadia Design
with the collaboration of Palazzo Collicola Visual Arts, Spoleto 61 Festival dei 2Mondi, Enea, University of Perugia, Accademia di Belle Arti Pietro Vannucci, GdA Architetti Associati
we thank Le Terre di Spoleto e del Sagrantino and Conspoleto
at 16:45 Registration
at 17.00 Introduction to the work - Sviluppumbria - Elisabetta Boncio
Moderator Elena Gentilini - Arcadia Design
Business cases
at 17.15 Regenesis (sustainable design) - Maria Silvia Pazzi
at 5:30 p.m. Polycart (packaging) - Luca Bianconi
at 17.45 S.I. I-MESH (technical textiles) - **Alberto Fiorenzi **
6:00 p.m. Round table _
Umbria Region - Lucio Caporizzi
Gellify - Marcello Coppa
University of Perugia - Luigi Torre
ADI Umbria - Andrea Pascucci
Aeneas - Laura Cutaia
University of Perugia - Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts - **Paolo Belardi **.
ADI, Legambiente - Francesco Subioli
"The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation." Albert Einstein
A meeting/talk about the role that design, even in its most recent developments (service, thinking, circular), can have for the economic fabric of our territories and for an innovation to 360° in a circular key. An event that brings some companies to tell about themselves and their way of understanding design as a pivot of business innovation. Maria Silvia Pazzi of Regenesi (sustainable design), Luca Bianconi of Polycart (packaging) and Alberto Fiorenzi of S.I. I-MESH (soft architecture) will speak.
to follow a panel discussion, moderated from Elena Gentilini of Arcadia Design, involving those who work daily for innovation and brings to reflect on some issues and challenges for the near future in the transition to a model of circular economy: institutions, universities, designer consultants, research centers. Companies, the Director of the Programming Area of the Umbria Region Lucio Caporizzi, Laura Cutaia Head of ENEA´s Resource Valorization Laboratory, Luigi Torre Professor of the University of Perugia and President of SAMPE Global Society for Materials and Production Engineering, Marcello Coppa Managing Partner of GELLIFY will discuss, recent recipient of the ADI Compasso d´Oro Honorable Mention, Paolo Belardi Professor at the University of Perugia, President of the Degree Course in Design and Director of the Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts, Francesco Subioli eco-designer of ADI Associazione Disegno Industriale and Legambiente, Andrea Pascucci designer and President of ADI Umbria.
The circular economy is an approach that asks us to rethink our production and distribution models throughout the product life cycle. Design, logistics, supply chain management, and business and consumption models are equally important aspects that require creative effort. Design therefore takes on a fundamental role, not only in product design, but also as a methodology that around the world is helping organizations to find innovative solutions.
The goal is to inspire and compare in order to stimulate a qualitative approach to circularity enriched by diversity of viewpoints and expertise.