Rai Per la Sostenibilità - ESG
Alle radici della violenza di genere
No Women No Panel: più voce alle donne per cambiare cultura
The collaboration of Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto with Rai's Direction For Sustainability - ESG and Rai Umbria continues in the framework of No Women No Panel, Rai's European project to enhance women in public debate, valuing talents and skills also of women in every field of knowledge and professions. An antidote to stereotypes, discrimination and gender violence.
The discussion at the Caio Melisso Theater involves protagonists from the Italian and international cultural scene, including the most committed associations in the world of entertainment and on the territory, on the theme of prevention and contrast to all forms of gender-based violence, to change culture together, men and women. to follow, male and female students will try their hand at LALEOLAB, a game-workshop on stereotypes and bias, including in language, designed by the Federico II University of Naples for secondary schools.
Institutional greetings
Martina Semenzato, President of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Femicide, as well as on all forms of gender-based violence
Andrea Sisti, Mayor of Spoleto
Stefania Proietti, President of the Province of Perugia
Maurizio Oliviero, Chancellor University of Perugia
Valerio De Cesaris, Rector University for Foreigners of Perugia
Monique Veaute, artistic director Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto
Round table discussion
Celeste Costantino, vice president, One One None and One Hundred Thousand Foundation
Maurizio De Giovanni, writer, screenwriter and playwright
Maria Teresa Di Lernia, psychologist, Barbara Corvi Anti-Violence Center in Narni
Guillermo Mariotto, designer and creative
Roberto Natale, Rai Director For ESG Sustainability
Moderator Arianna Voto, Rai journalist, head of No Women No Panel
at 12-14 | Theater Foyer
LALEOLAB - game-workshop on gender stereotypes and biases
University of Naples Federico II
to Edited by Angela Gargano (INFN) and Antonella Liccardo (UniNA)
Rai Per la Sostenibilità – ESG
Damiano Michieletto