Rai Per la Sostenibilità – ESG
Un due tre, la cultura libera tutti: scuola, teatro, cucina, racconti
Rai For Sustainability - ESG returns to Festival dei Due Mondi with the project Culture breaks the bars and the initiative Un due tre, la cultura libera tutti: scuola, teatro, cucina, racconti. An event day realized in collaboration with Rai Fiction, Rai Kids, TGR Umbria, Rai Umbria and with the participation of Marina Tagliaferri and Paolo Romano from the cast of Un Posto al Sole and Antonio Milo from the cast of Clan - Choose Your Destiny.
The morning begins with the screening of the docufilm "Flavors and Emotions" to edited by Dario Tomassini. A story of the cooking workshop inside the Maiano prison that saw the meeting at the stove of inmates and "free" students of the Istituto Alberghiero "G. De Carolis" in Spoleto. to evaluate the works a jury of quality composed from chefs and food and wine experts in the area.
The screening is followed by the specific panel, "School Exercise of Freedom: Passions and Encounters," in which students, experts in the field, school and prison workers will discuss.
The event continues with the presentation of the project "School exercise of freedom: prison and education, a valuable alliance." This is the initiative by which Rai donated 400 company personal computers (decommissioned and regenerated) to the 190 Italian penitentiary institutes, containing the 1,800 video lectures of "La Scuola in TV," divided by subject and school level, produced from Rai Scuola. Valuable educational material, made navigable offline and thus finally accessible even to the 20,000 inmate students who cannot access the Internet.
The afternoon section opens with "Theater and its Magic."
to follow the monologue "Gossipy Angel" staged by the #SIneNOmine company directed from Giorgio Flamini, founder and artistic director, which promotes theatrical and cultural paths within Casa di reclusione di Maiano-Spoleto.
to follow a panel that is intended to be a moment of confrontation between prison institutions, information workers and the entertainment world on the role and importance of culture in all its forms, both as prevention outside prison and in prison, as a fundamental element in the re-education of prisoners with a view to their reintegration into society.
The day concludes with a preview presentation of the When Culture Breaks Bars Podcast, an original by Rai Radio and Rai For Sustainability - ESG.
11:00 - 13:00 *
Docufilm screening "Flavors and Emotions" to edited by Dario Tomassini
Panel "School exercise of freedom: passions and encounters"
Panel "School exercise of freedom: prison and education, a valuable alliance"
Marina Tagliaferri and Paolo Romano from the cast of Un posto al sole
Bernardina Di Mario - Director Casa di Reclusione di Maiano-Spoleto
Roberta Galassi - Headmistress Hotelier Institute "G. De Carolis" of Spoleto
Jurors: Silvia Buitoni (Blogger) - Paolo Ercolani (Chef) - Anxhela Palushi (Director of dining) - Andrea Salvatori (Chef)
Rai Direction For Sustainability-ESG
Moderator: Daniela de Robert, RAI journalist, creator of the project Culture breaks the bars
16:30 - 18:30 *
Monologue "Gossip angel" to by #SineNOmine theater company
Panel "The theater and its magic"
Preview podcast "When Culture Breaks Bars" by Rai Radio and Rai For Sustainability - ESG
Marina Tagliaferri and Paolo Romano from the cast of Un posto al sole
Antonio Milo of the cast of Clan - Choose Your Destiny.
Bernardina Di Mario - Director Casa di Reclusione di Maiano-Spoleto
Giorgio Flamini - Founder and Artistic Director Theatre Company #SIneNOmine
Rai Radio Management
Rai Direction For Sustainability-ESG
Moderator: Daniela de Robert, RAI journalist, creator of the project Culture breaks the bars
Admission is free by reservation, subject to availability.
Email reservation: laculturarompelesbarre@rai.it, indicating the slot of interest (morning and/or afternoon).
The recipient of the reservation is informed that, as an audience member, he or she may be filmed for Rai to broadcasting needs by TV and/or social and/or platform, and therefore by his or her participation he or she expressly authorizes Rai to use his or her image for said purposes.Entry into the hall will be allowed by the start time of each event (h. 11:00 and h. 16:30, respectively). Once the event has started, the availability of the reserved seat will no longer be guaranteed.
La MaMa Umbria International