Le "forme" del pensiero
Un incontro tra Arte e Psicoanalisi
The encounter with Art causes an activation of our senses and feelings, capable of bringing us back into emotional contact with something unspoken, unspeakable or not yet thought of, but which is already within each of us. This happens through a concrete and perceptible external "object," theopera of art in all its forms, which creates a communication of the unconscious systems between the artist and the viewer and vice versa.
The 2nd Review of Art and Psychoanalysis, under the sponsorship of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society, offers a series of art events commented on from a psychoanalytic perspective.
from at 10:30 a.m. to at 12:00 p.m. THEPORTRAITConcertfor Photography and Violin
photographs by Anna Di Prospero, Stephanie Gengotti, Alisa Resnik, Annette Schreyer
composer and violinist Gabriele Rendinacomments Francesco Castellet y Ballaràto edited by Ilaria Prili
The portrait and self-portrait constitute the attempt to represent the other and ourselves, which has as its equivalent in Psychoanalysis the putting into words of emotions, dreams, and the inner world.
The voice of the violin accompanies the portraits of four established female photographers and intends to bring us closer, as well as the music of the words in analysis, to the magic of the encounter with the unknown in us and in the other. Francesco Castellet y Ballarà , neurologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society, interested in the visual arts, dialogues about representation as an expression of emotions in both artistic and psychoanalytic experience.
from at 12.15 to at 13.30LACRISE DE L'EDUCATION
Video-artist Angela Marzullo
introduces Anna Cestelli Guidicomments Gabriela Goldsteinto curated by Clelia De VitaAreflection on the theme of education inspired by the position of the German philosopher Hannah Arendt, known for her research work on ideal education, based on conservative principles combined with modernity, to starting with the text The Crisis of Culture. The realization of this project is located within a modernist social housing complex of the 1970s, in which the reference to Harendt's thought is represented in the contrast between the architecture of the building and the dialogue between two teenagers . Comment Gabriela Goldstein, psychoanalyst of the Asociaciòn Psicoanalìtica Argentina, architect, expert in Art and Psychoanalysis, editor of the volume Art in Psychoanalysis: to Contemporary Approach to Creativity and Analytic Practice, IPA-Karnac.from at 16.00 to at 17.00 THEDREAM OF ATHALIE
from J. Racine
performance by Fulvia De Thierry (Athalie) and Maria Luigia Malatesta (Jesabel)musical performance by Lorenzo Massotti (viola)costumes Fabrizio Maria Garzi Malusardiregia Michele Suozzocommentary Manuela Fraireto curated by Sabrina GubbiniAtragedy in which passion for intelligence and hatred for superstition entail the renunciation of maternal love and one's own life. Athalie is the protagonist of Racine's tragedy , in which she sacrifices her love as a woman to the reason of state and for this she will serve her sins with death. Manuela Fraire, a psychoanalyst who is particularly attentive to the "feminine," interprets and explains a dream of Athalie's, in which the drama of three generations of royal lineage is condensed.From at 17.15 to at 19.00NONELOOKS AT US
written and performed from Eleonora Danco
Amedeo Falci comments
to edited by Adriana D'Arezzo
Childhood memories suddenly burst in, as unexpected stumbles impose pauses and new readings of the past. Eleonora Danco stages the dialogue between adult and childish parts of the mind. A dialogue that, from always investigated by psychoanalysis, possesses the dazzling immediacy of the child's gaze, cries out the suffering of the missed encounter, and does not lose hope that the "no one is watching us" will be remedied. Amedeo Falci, child neuropsychiatrist, child and adolescent psychoanalyst, and expert in mother-child communication skills, comments.
to curated by Claudia Spadazzi and Francesco Castellet y Ballarà
with the collaboration of Adriana D'Arezzo, Clelia De Vita, Sabrina Gubbini
and the sponsorship of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society
Progetto Miniera
Thomas Otto Zinzi
Corrado Augias
Umberto Veronesi