Premio Monini "Una finestra sui Due Mondi"
Monini Award to Stefano Mancuso
Special award to Ruogu Wen
A traditional appointment for the Festival, the Monini Prize "A Window on the Two Worlds" is now in its 15th edition. Established by the Monini family in 2010, the award is presented from Maria Flora and Zefferino Monini to nationally and globally renowned artists, along with a "special award" dedicated to young emerging talents present at the Festival.
The Monini Prize "A Window on the Two Worlds" goes this year to Stefano Mancuso, a scientist, popularizer and among the leading international authorities in the field of botanical neurobiology who has revealed to the world the complex intelligence of plants and was named by The New Yorker among the personalities capable of changing the world.
The choice to award for the first time a scientist, a man committed to connecting "two worlds" and promoting a new environmental culture, is highly symbolic for Monini, from years active in sustainability issues. With Bosco Monini, launched in 2020, the company has also begun a major reforestation project between Umbria and Tuscany, where more than 700,000 new olive trees have been planted, with the intention of reaching to 1 million new plants by 2030.
Finally, the tradition of the Special Award "A Window on Two Worlds" for young talents continues. to receiving it is the young Chinese pianist Ruogu Wen.
30 June at 12.30
Monini Award "A Window on Two Worlds" to Stefano Mancuso
14 July at 12.00
Special Award to Ruogu Wen
FERCAM Echo Labs