Il Vangelo di Marco
"Do not tell" is the command Jesus makes to follow every miracle he performs, the key to the secret of personality that forms the fabric of his earthly adventure. Mark's Gospel is the Gospel of action, the first, the shortest, the most inscrutable, the one in which the secret does not dissolve even at the end. Sandro Veronesi squeezes out the secret juice of this text to the last drop and offers it to the audience in its sparkling modernity. Written to Rome for the Romans, Mark's Gospel is, in Veronesi's telling, a refined from conversion machine, tuned to the imagery of its recipients and for this reason more akin to Tarantino's films than to the texts by which the other evangelists tell the same story. Observed carefully and listened to with abandon, it becomes a mine of surprising discoveries, bringing Christianity back to its primitive power by composing the portrait of an enigmatic lonely hero, whose sacrifice still represents a shocking paradox: that we need the death of an innocent man in order to be free of our own nothingness.
a monologue by Sandro Veronesi
Based on the book of the same name published from Bompiani
production Fondazione Teatro Metastasio di Prato
in collaboration with** Phosphorus**
E.T.C. light adjustment. Italy
He is a novelist, but he has done almost every job in the cultural world: he has proofread, published non-fiction books, collaborated with magazines and newspapers, hosted radio and television programs, written texts for theater and film, translated French and American writers, taught creative writing, founded a publishing house, a literary magazine, and a web radio station. His books are translated in more than 20 countries.