Space is a map. A map that the dancer must respect in order to reach that limit that confirms the transcription of the work, emphasizing the paths from take.
Map as aerial view and as trajectory.
The map is a transcript that allows for the reading of what the choreographic action is taking place.
The task of choreography is to highlight the limit in order to find escape routes, to grasp the creative accident.
nanou group company
choreography Marco Valerio Amico, Rhuena Bracci
with Carolina Amoretti, Sissj Bassani, Gloria Dorliguzzo
sound Roberto Rettura
produced from Nanou Cultural Association
co-produced from NaoCrea / DidStudio
with the contribution of MIBACT, Emilia-Romagna Region, Municipality of Ravenna, Fund for Author's Dance of Emilia-Romagna Region 2017/2018
with the support of Cantieri Danza
1. in mathematics, synonym for application, function, correspondence;
2. in topography, graphical representation in detail of an area;
3. in geography, prospectus, outline;
4. in computer science, the list of memory locations (or addresses) of instructions or variables
Of a coded program.
5. part of the key that is introduced into the keyhole to operate the lock mechanism.