Esplorare le sinfonie della Biologia Molecolare
at 15:30
Welcome greetings
Andrea Sisti
Mayor of Spoleto
Eduardo Cetlin
President Amgen Foundation, USA
Rebecca Lewis
Amgen Biotech Experience Program director,
EDC (Education Development Center) Boston, USA
Rossana Bruno
Head Corporate Affairs AMGEN Italy
Paola Bortolon
President National Association of Natural Science Teachers (ANISN)
Anna Pascucci
Director Amgen Biotech Experience Programme Italy,
National Association of Natural Science Teachers (ANISN)
Luigina Renzi
Coordinator Amgen Biotech Experience Centro - Italy,
National Association of Natural Science Teachers (ANISN)
ORE 16.00
Session I: The community and strategies of the Amgen Biotech Experience program around the world.
The common vision and the global challenge that crosses the waves of the oceans
Education Development Center ABE program Office
Jessica Juliuson
Director of Community and Strategy, ABE Program Office , EDC, USA
ABE Massachusetts and Life Sciences Outreach at Harvard University.
Tara Bennett Bristow
ABE Program Office Consultant, EDC, USA
ABE Massachusetts and Life Sciences Outreach at Harvard University.
Alia Qatarneh
ABE Massachusetts director, Harvard University, USA
ABE France
Alain Bessis
Director ABE France, École normale supérieure, Paris, France
ABE Italy
Anna Pascucci
Director Amgen Biotech Experience Programme Italy,
National Association of Natural Science Teachers (ANISN)
Luigina Renzi
Coordinator Amgen Biotech Experience Centro - Italy,
National Association of Natural Science Teachers (ANISN)
Anna Pascucci
Director Amgen Biotech Experience Programme Italy,
National Association of Natural Science Teachers (ANISN)
ORE 17.15
Session II: The engagement of scientific partnerships.
Alliance with the scientific community to inspire the next generation of scientists
Aldo Donizetti
Department of Biology - University of Naples "Federico II"
Stefania Grillo
Division of Researchers and Technologists - Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (IBBR),
National Research Council
Cristina Miceli
International School of Advanced Studies - University of Camerino
Roberta De Stasio
Department of Biology - University of Naples "Federico"
at 18:00
Session III: The multifaceted expressions of the Italian educational community
Playing the notes of the symphony of Molecular Biology to school.
ABE Italy Teacher Recognitions.
Exhibition and demonstration by Italian students and teachers involved in the ABE Program
ORE 19.30
Accademia Nazionale d'Arte Drammatica Silvio d'Amico