The first staging of the _Triadische Ballett _took place on September 30, 1922 at the Landestheater in Stuttgart. Oskar Schlemmer sought a new form for dance and began by creating costumes that restricted complete freedom of movement and eliminated everything decorative to allow only what was functional for the choreographic movements.
The structure of the ballet is based on the triad: three dancers, three sections composed from twelve dances and eighteen costumes. Three colors - red, blue and yellow - and three geometric shapes: the sphere, the cube and the pyramid.
Ivan Liška and Colleen Scott were soloists in 85 performances of the Triadic Ballet in Gerard Bohner's 1977 reconstruction. Twenty years after Gerhard Bohner's death and seventy years after Oskar Schlemmer's death, the same protagonists are curating this new version of the legendary show with original music by Hans-Joachim Hespos and costumes reconstructed by set designer Ulrike Dietrich, based on original archival documents from the Akademie der Künste.
"We know from the experience of classical ballet," wrote Gerard Bohner, " that despite the effort to carry out a timely and philological reconstruction, every rearrangement is completely different from the original choreography. This is certainly what happens with the Bauhaus dances." However, this reconstruction allows us to admire this masterpiece without betraying its exuberant expressiveness and beauty that rests on the three themes of "cheerful burlesque," "ceremonious and solemn," and "mystical fantasy." Today we attend to this ballet and feel as if it were made in our own day. It is hard to believe that it was created almost 100 years ago. And this is proof of the visionary power of the Bauhaus
first performance 1922
choreographic reconstruction to edited by Gerhard Bohner, 1977
music by Hans-Joachim Hespos
reconstruction of Ulrike Dietrich's costumes
commissioned by Akademie der Künste, 1977
new production 2014
artistic direction** Ivan Liška, Colleen Scott**
production coordination Norbert Stück
lighting by Michael Kantrowitsch
production of **Bayerisches Junior Ballet München**.
In cooperation with Akademie der Künste Berlin
with the support of Tanzfonds Erbe Project