Special project in collaboration with 11 other Italian festivals supported by MiBACT and MAE that supports and promotes, through hosting and residency actions, workshops and performances. A focus dedicated to young choreographers from the Mediterranean basin, which aims to facilitate mobility, intercultural dialogue and the exchange of performance practices between hosted and Italian artists.
In collaboration with La Francia in Scena, artistic season of the Institut français Italia, produced at the initiative of the Embassy of France in Italy, with the support of the Institut français, the Ministère de la Culture and the Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati.
By and with **Sina Saberi **(Iran)
artistic conception, choreography and interpretation **Sina Saberi **
music Ali Akbar Moradi, Keyhan Kalhor, Farbod Maeen
costumes **Reza Nadimi **
lights **Ali Kouzehgar **.
production **MaHa Collective, Iran **
"Echoes of the world's turbulent souls;
Human, this heavenly body of truth.
My secrets, I confer on your awakening
And this ritual of light;
_Of earth, wind, water and fire." _
The starting point is given from a simple need to move. Persian Mysteries is a project that searches for possible paths between an invisible past and a fragmented present. It draws inspiration from traditional Persian music, ancient rituals of Zoroastrian culture, and spiritual notions contained in the Avesta texts. In terms of movement, the intention is to explore and discover what contemporary Persian dance might look like today if, as has been the case in Iran for this art form, it had not remained in oblivion for 40 years. _Prelude to Persian Mysteries _has the form of a ritual and is the first phase of a project in the making. This creation was first presented to Tehran in March 2016 as one of the works in the first Iranian festival "Body Movement," initiated by the MaHa artist collective, and later to Beirut as part of Moultaqa Leymoun/Arab dance platform 2016. to this was followed by numerous replications in other countries.
By **Jadd Tank **(Lebanon)
With Jadd Tank (Lebanon) and Nora Alami (Morocco)
Bourgeois-Z is a journey into absurdity, both as a disruptive element and as a consequence of a culture that still raises social boundaries. Jadd Tank in his intense and original 30-minute solo performance expresses partly through dance and partly through theater the singular relationship to certain aspects of our age, comically examining the architecture and function of the body in a state of (in)consciousness.