Giorgio Flamini brings theater in prison back to Festival dei Due Mondi as a tool for personal growth and inclusion. The new show of the #SIneNOmine company, CRETA, was born from a theater workshop held in the Spoleto House of Detention and aimed at the knowledge of the compositional complexity of the theatrical language.
The Crete of the Minoan civilization is the place where the laboratory research finds its fulfillment. "The prisoner moves in a space-time labyrinth like a Minotaur who is allowed no other action than that of uniformity, of repetition," says director Giorgio Flamini. "A Minotaur who only mirrors himself in an image that sends him back to himself, where his movements are the same as others and are the same every day. A kind of repetitive ritual where every exception remains precisely so. But just as in ritual, the concept of repetition taken to its exasperation can be torn apart by Dionysian intoxication. What road will this outpouring of primordial vitality take? The road of destruction, of unconscious violence as with Minotaur, or that of purification through the most authentic expression of the self?"
Just as clay can be shaped by giving it new form, a human being, and even more so an inmate of a maximum security prison, thanks to art can reassemble certain fragments, understand its nature, accept it and transform it into something unique: the same person as before with new and precious veins.
With inmates actors and dancers from the #SIneNOmine company
direct from Giorgio Flamini
conception, text adaptation, fragment development, direction Giorgio Flamini, Sara Ragni, Pina Segoni
scenes Maria Paola Buono, Giorgio Flamini
assembly and disassembly inmates and prison officers Mof
scenes and gadgets made in the set design workshop by inmates of the second level art pathway, IIS Sansi-Leonardi-Volta and from Maria Paola Buono, Giorgio Flamini, Roberta Visconti
choreography Laura Bassetta, Mariolina Maconio, Serena Perna, Lorena Salis
Sport and Health-Prison Directed workshops from Eunoand Flamenco Roma
staged movement and acting workshops directed from Sara Ragni
with Lucia Napoli mezzo-soprano
music and choir direction Francesco Corrias
digital musical contributions Anna Flamini
Choir ad cantus vocal ensemble & friends
Pietro Elisei animation films
stage photos Maria Paola Buono, Vincenzo Porfilio, Antonello Zeppadoro
videomaker and audio recording Giovanni Barchi
costumes and makeup #SIneNOmine
service Opera 26 by Bisaccioni Andrea & C. S.to.s.
web designer Simone Bacci
organizational secretary Jessica Vagnoli
production Casa di Reclusione di Maiano of Spoleto, Francesca Foundation, Valentina and Luigi Antonini, Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi, Teodolapio
to Monique Veaute and Paola Macchi
Director of Spoleto Detention Home Bernardina Di Mario; Commandant Luca Buontempo, Deputy Commissioner Nicola Borrelli; Andrea Sisti and the Foundation Festival dei Due Mondi; Spoleto Supervisory Magistrates Grazia Manganaro, Nicla Flavia Restivo, Fabio Gianfilippi and the entire Spoleto Supervisory Office; Francesca Foundation, Valentina and Luigi Antonini and Camillo Corsetti Antonini; Rai Per la Sostenibilità - ESG, Roberto Natale and Daniela de Robert; Rai Umbria and Giovanni Parapini; Teodelapio Association and Salvatore TavernaChief of the Educational Area Pietro Carraresi, the educators and the treatment area.
Special thanks to the staff of the Spoleto Penitentiary Police, the officers and inspectors in charge of laboratories, Mof and schools, Inspector Sandro Scarponi, the secretariat of the Directorate and Headquarters, the officers and inspectors of the matriculation office, Cesp - Network of Schools and Anna Grazia Stammati, IIS Sansi-LeonardiVolta and Mauro Pescetelli IPSEOASC G. De Carolis and Roberta Galassi, Aleandro Pennella, Marco Ferullo, Laura Scolari and the Festival's editorial, communication and press staff. Ottorino Neri and the Festival's stagecraft, Manuela Fraschetti and Monica Trevisani.
Free performance. An offering is welcome to support of activities.
For reservations, send an email to sinenomine.festival@gmail.com communicating the date of the show to you intend to attend, full name, date and place of birth, social security number and telephone number. Highlight membership to institutional bodies, Voluntary Associations, bodies of justice, culture, education and university. Please note that only people who will not be admitted due to sold out or control from part of the surveillance will be contacted. Only an audience of legal age is admitted.
Please be advised that dates and times may be subject to change.
See www.festivaldispoleto.com for updates.
The #SINENOMINE project began as a theater workshop for the staging of Jean Genet's Sorveglianza speciale to 30 years after Marco Gagliardo's experience in 1982 at the 25th Festiva dei Due Mondi.
The #SN theater workshop, which started with fifteen inmates, over the years has exceeded one hundred participants, of all ages and nationalities, from from various security circuits, aged between 20 and 70, able to play different roles (playwright, actor, dancer, assistant director, assistant set designer, props man, audio-visual officer, stage manager ...). After the first experience, the project continued with the #MA#IA#NO# trilogy composed from three plays written with the involvement of the inmates: _Pathetic Affections/Affective Activity, The Best of All Possible Worlds 1980 2025, Miracle to Maiano_La, included in the programming of the 56th, 57thand 58th Festival dei Due Mondi. Thereafter, from 2016 to 2022, the Spoleto Festival hosted a new production each year: 'to città 'e Pulecenella, Nessuno, VICTIMS, Nessuno Torna to Itaca si non se noverit, Storia Vera 'e capite comm'è, Sempre in quell'aura Sanza tempo tinta, Tempo Libero c and, in 2022, the show Je est un autre. In each project, the #SINENOMINE Company is joined by from professional artists, collaborates on a permanent basis with actors and students from the Teodelapio theater school, and makes use of the professional contributions of Euno Terni for movement and choreography, the Ad Cantus Vocale Choir for the musical and singing parts, Studio Flamenco Roma and their respective artistic directors. The granting of alternative measures granted by the Magistrate of Surveillance and the management to inmate-actors has enabled some inmates to perform with the Company extramoenia throughout the country (Rome, Turin, Genoa, Chieti, Calcata, Matera, Florence, Foligno, Terni). The Company is supported by the generosity of numerous artists (among them Sara Ragni, Laura Bassetta, Mariolina Maconio, Lucia Napoli, Pina Segoni, Lorena Salis, Serena Perna, Francesco Corrias, EUNO dancers, singers of the ad Cantus Vocale Choir) and supported by the Casa di Reclusione, Festival dei Due Mondi, the Francesca, Valentina and Luigi Antonini Foundation, from other local entities.
Alessandro Baricco
Antonio Latella
Luca Marinelli
Fabian Jung