On RaiPlay the documentary "Tempo Libero" with the inmates of the Spoleto-Maiano House of Detention
from friday Oct. 14 on RaiPlay is available the documentary "Tempo Libero," which recounts the preparations and Behind the scenes of the play created by inmates in the Spoleto-Maiano House of Detention and the #SIneNOmine Theater Company founded from Giorgio Flamini.A story set in an imaginary castle that hides the real life of the prison, with the thoughts and feelings of those who live behind bars hoping to maintain constant contact with the outside world. Starting from a classic by Italo Calvino, the inmates find in the play a chance to express themselves, to get to know the people with whom they share time and space and to reflect on the past, present and future. The show was presented at the 65th edition of Festival dei Due Mondi and involved nearly a hundred actors, playwrights, musicians, singers, set designers, stagehands, stagehands, inmates of the medium and high security in the Spoleto Prison House, and performing arts professionals.The documentary made by the Digital Content Directorate is part of the "Culture Breaks Bars" project to curated by Rai Per la Sostenibilità-ESG, with the collaboration of the Department of Prison Administration, the Management of the Spoleto-Maiano Prison House and Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto. To watch "Free Time" click here