La MaMa Spoleto Open
Weather is one of the latest musical works composed by American writer, composer and director Elizabeth Swados. The goal of this "dramatic oratorio," as Swados herself called it, is to use music and theater as tools to raise awareness of urgent climate change issues. With sounds and rhythms that blend the atmospheres of Western music to those of world music, the composition brings together a wide variety of stories, scientific descriptions, news quotes and mythological descriptions that tell of storms, destruction, rebirth and beauty. In its kaleidoscopic vision,opera is a kind of hymn to the power of nature and at the same time a warning meant to encourage people to to reflect on the environmental emergencies our planet is experiencing. In an alternation of instrumental parts and songs, each evokes different, independent stories and environments. The common thread is the continuous transformation of time that unfolds as it follows the evolution of a year on earth, sketching the progression of the seasons. to times funny, to times frightening or tragic, each atmosphere produces sounds as different as the languages spoken or sung in the 'opera. Not only an artistic and educational project, but a community-building journey to give body and voice to environmental concerns and the beauty of culture, how art can help to spread, communicate and convey social concerns.
Elizabeth Swados
Philip Consales
Claudio Scarabottini
Jared McNeill
Production La MaMa Umbria, Ass. Bisse, Comune di Spoleto
Accademia Nazionale
d'Arte Drammatica Silvio d'Amico
Liv Ferracchiati
Accademia Nazionale
d'Arte Drammatica Silvio d'Amico
Accademia Nazionale
d'Arte Drammatica Silvio d'Amico