Sogni di una notte di mezza estate
Giorgio Flamini, founder of the #SIneNOmine Company, from ten years brings theater to prison as a tool for personal growth and inclusion.
It's the Night of St. John to Maiano, the prison is from days under a spell as the hands of a large clock turn backwards. The public waits under the tower, but the atmosphere there is different from the past, no one speaks, everything invites silence.
Fairies and goblins appear from several parts of the garden, and first cross the immovable iron door followed by the procession of spectators. To welcome them, another dimension: the space and time of dreams.
So begins the new play loosely inspired by William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The commitment, emotions and passion of the middle and high security inmates of Casa di Reclusione di Maiano bring to life to a'opera theater calling everyone to to reflect on the "outside" and the "inside" of the excluding wall.
The play was presented in reduced form in the performance OPEN AND CLOSED DREAM at the XXXV Turin International Book Fair. Some scenes will be premiered at the Albornoz Fortress during the panel "Culture Breaks Bars" on July 1, in which the cast of Mare Fuori will take part.
almost free-mindedly taken from from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
characters and performers
Theseus, Duke of Athens Alfio G. #SN
Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons Loretta Bonamente
Aegean, a noble Annunziato P.#SN
Hermia, daughter of Aegeus Monica Costantini
Lysander, in love with Hermia Louis C. #SN
Demetrius, in love with Hermia Anthony D.R. #SN
Elena, in love with Demetrius Daria Virginia Massi
Philostratus, master of ceremonies Salvatore P. #SN
Oberon, king of the fairies Bruno M. #SN
Titania, queen of the fairies Lorena Salis
Puck, Robin Goodfellow, Antonino S. #SN
Fiordipisello Cosimo L.I. #SN
Mustard Gran Cosimo C. #SN
Bruscolo Sebastiano M. #SN
Spider Web Luciano to. #SN
Peter Quince, the carpenter - Capocomico Pasquale N. #SN
Nick Bottom, the weaver - Pyramus Francis P. #SN
Francis Flute, the Adjuster - Thisbe Antonio M. #SN
Tom Snout, the boilermaker - Raphael M. Wall #SN
Snug, the carpenter - Leone Nicola N. #SN
Starveling, the tailor - Chiardiluna Bruno S. #SN
Queen Elizabeth I Lucia Napoli, mezzo-soprano
The Bard of Avon Roberto D.S. #SN
Poet Sergio P. #SN
Shadows, sleepwalkers, fauns, goblins inmates of Spoleto Detention Home #SN
Dream footage with stock footage from #SIneNOmine and video contributions from former inmates who were former actors in the company and animated drawings by Diletta Rosati
directed from Giorgio Flamini
assistant directors Sara Ragni, Pina Segoni
choreography and movement choreography Laura Bassetta, Mariolina Maconio
assistant to choreography Serena Perna
choir director Francesco Corrias
music by Corrias, Purcell, Monteverdi, Landi, Gastoldi, Dowland, Banchieri, Arbeau and others
musical creations for dreams and sonnets Anna Flamini
AdCantus Ensemble Vocale & friends
sopranos Silvia Belloni, Francesca De Mai, Barbara Fornara, Maria Beatrice Goretti, Alice Mazzarella, Barbara Palcani, Ludovica Savio
Altos Alessandra Angelini, Lucia Antinori, Franca Menichelli, Marta Perugini, Tiziana Santoni, Emma Tramontana
tenors Villelmo Bartolini, Giuseppe Benedetti, Filippo Cantoni, Francesco Ferri, Andrea Franchini
basses Giacomo Gigli, Carlo Montini, Mariano Pasquali, Alessandro Pedrazzi, Marco Pedrazzi Pimpinicchi,
Alessandro Rughi, Andrea Tosti
Euno Ternidancers.
Valeria Di Loreto, Arianna Grammatica, Anna Barbara Mazzoli, Martina Pannacci, Serena Penna, Irene Sdogati, Antonio Matteo Ursan
costumes by #SIneNOmine integrated to historical costumes from Festival dei Due Mondi reworked from Maria Paola Buono, Alessandra Carducci, Giorgio Flamini
scenography Maria Paola Buono, Alessandra Carducci, Giorgio Flamini
realization scenes inmates of the IIS Sansi Leonardi Volta second-level art pathway, with elements from the Foundation's repository of the Festival dei Due Mondi
construction of traveling set up and stage development inmates and Mof officers from the Prison House carpentry and workshop
inmate electricians and Mof officers
gadget project and implementation #SIneNOmine
Stage technical assistants Matteo Conti, Sabrina Cardinali,
Stage photos by Vincenzo Porfilio, Antonello Zeppadoro, Maria Paola Buono
web designer Simone Bacci
videomaker Giovanni Barchi
communication Stefania Agnello
Rai regional show filming
Speed soundand lighting service ltd
audio lighting technicians Marco Giamminonni, Giampaolo Vantaggi, Federico Laoreti
playbill image composition of #SIneNOmine, scene for Nobody festival in 2017 with props, in the background, made from works by Virginia Ryan "Surfacing"
we thank Monique Veaute, Paola Macchi, Foundation Festival dei Due Mondi, Bernardina di Mario, Marco Piersigilli, Pietro Carraresi, Grazia Manganaro, Nicla Flavia Restivo, Fabio Gianfilippi, Spoleto Supervisory Office, Mauro Palma, Rai Per la Sostenibilità - ESG, Roberto Natale and Daniela de Robert, Rai regional Umbria and Giovanni Parapini, educators and the treatment area, all staff of the Spoleto Penitentiary Police, Secretariat of the Directorate and Command, agents and inspectors of the matriculation office, agents and inspectors in charge of laboratories and schools, Mof agents, Teodelapio Association and Salvatore Taverna, Francesca Foundation, Valentina and Luigi Antonini and Camillo Corsetti Antonini, Cesp Rete delle Scuole and AnnaGrazia Stammati, IPSEOASC G.De Carolis and Roberta Galassi, IIS Sansi-Leonardi-Volta and Mauro Pescetelli, Marta Zampolini, Aleandro Pennella, Monica Trevisani,Francesca Persichini, Ottorino Neri, Marco Ferullo, the Communication and Press staff of the Festival dei Due Mondi
Show usable exclusively from an audience of legal age
Admission is free, reservation required. Due to the special context and necessary control operations, please send timely request complete with master data.
To make a reservation, send an email by July 1, 2023 to festival.cr.spoleto@giustizia.it indicating the date of the show to you intend to attend (July 5, 6 at 9 p.m.), the personal information of the person(s) (last name, first name, place and date of birth, residence, phone number)
N.B. It is necessary to indicate all the required data for the reservation to be considered valid.
Specify membership to bodies, institutions, associations and media and press organs.
A fundraiser is planned to supporting #SIneNOmine's cultural activities in prison.
For any direct information or for those who have difficulty using email: tel. +39 0743 26311
The kind audience is informed that the July 5 performance is sold out. Places are available for the July 6 performance.
When my eyes are closed they see better,
for by day they glide over things without merit; but when I sleep, in dreams they gaze on you
and in the dark shining, they are beacons in the darkness outstretched.
And you, whose shadow makes the shadows bright,
what a divine form your shadow would take
to the clear day with your light even clearer, if to closed eyes your image is so bright! How happy my eyes, I repeat, would feel admiring you in the splendor of day
if in dead night your beautiful uncertain shadow in deep sleep is life in sightless eyes! Till I see thee every day is night to see thee and every night bright day if thou appear to me in dreams.
William Shakespeare
Sonnet 43
If we shadows have offended, it will be remedied,
if you think: they are visions, you were asleep.
This fragile and idle argument,
on a par with an incoherent dream,
kind gentlemen, do not criticize. We will remedy it, if you forgive. And, Puck's word, if we escape the serpent's tongue, amends we will, of sudden
Puck otherwise call liar. Good night to everyone.
Hands move, if friends you are to me,
and Robin in return will make amends.
William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Act V, Puck
Artistic director of the "#SIneNOmine Company," collaborates from eleven years with the Spoleto House of Detention. He is a director, architect, set designer, lecturer in stage design and drawing, and history
of art in Spoleto's high schools. from more than 25 years, he has initiated paths of recovery and post-prison social reintegration. He is president of the Teodelapio theater association-which from over 20 years promotes cultural growth through theater, reading and acting education and runs the city's theater school-and the theater-in-prison project. It has curated a series of theatrical events and exhibitions aimed at free and restricted audiences, favored by the Magistrate of Surveillance and carried out with the management, the treatment area and the Penitentiary Police of the Spoleto Detention Home, including In-Visible, the Song of Songs, Wafer by Paola de Rosa, Monologues by Aldo Nicolaj, the anm of che mmuort, True History and Capite comm'è, Je est un autre).D
The #SINENOMINE project began as a theater workshop for the staging of Jean Genet's Sorveglianza speciale to 30 years after Marco Gagliardo's experience in 1982 at the 25th Festiva dei Due Mondi.
The #SN theater workshop, which started with fifteen inmates, over the years has exceeded one hundred participants, of all ages and nationalities, from from various security circuits, aged between 20 and 70, able to play different roles (playwright, actor, dancer, assistant director, assistant set designer, props man, audio-visual officer, stage manager ...). After the first experience, the project continued with the #MA#IA#NO# trilogy composed from three plays written with the involvement of the inmates: _Pathetic Affections/Affective Activity, The Best of All Possible Worlds 1980 2025, Miracle to Maiano_La, included in the programming of the 56th, 57thand 58th Festival dei Due Mondi. Thereafter, from 2016 to 2022, the Spoleto Festival hosted a new production each year: 'to città 'e Pulecenella, Nessuno, VICTIMS, Nessuno Torna to Itaca si non se noverit, Storia Vera 'e capite comm'è, Sempre in quell'aura Sanza tempo tinta, Tempo Libero c and, in 2022, the show Je est un autre. In each project, the #SINENOMINE Company is joined by from professional artists, collaborates on a permanent basis with actors and students from the Teodelapio theater school, and makes use of the professional contributions of Euno Terni for movement and choreography, the Ad Cantus Vocale Choir for the musical and singing parts, Studio Flamenco Roma and their respective artistic directors. The granting of alternative measures granted by the Magistrate of Surveillance and the management to inmate-actors has enabled some inmates to perform with the Company extramoenia throughout the country (Rome, Turin, Genoa, Chieti, Calcata, Matera, Florence, Foligno, Terni). The Company is supported by the generosity of numerous artists (among them Sara Ragni, Laura Bassetta, Mariolina Maconio, Lucia Napoli, Pina Segoni, Lorena Salis, Serena Perna, Francesco Corrias, EUNO dancers, singers of the ad Cantus Vocale Choir) and supported by the Casa di Reclusione, Festival dei Due Mondi, the Francesca, Valentina and Luigi Antonini Foundation, from other local entities.
Silvio Orlando
Pablo Remón
Luca Marinelli
Fabian Jung
Carlo Cecchi
Sergio Blanco