Leonard Eto - Blendrums Taiko
Potere magico del tamburo giapponese
Leonard Eto Taiko (Japanese drum)
Michiko Yamada Nohkan, Shinobue (bamboo flutes)
Suji tap
a project of Change Performing Arts
1. Ocean (O-Taiko)
2. Chappagogo (Chappa)
3. Ocean Blue (Oke Taiko)
4. Kiyoki Mizutama (Taiko set, Shinobue)
5. Shime-Shime (Taiko set, Nohkan)
6. Moon slider (O-taiko, Taiko set, tip tap)
7. Mince (Oke Taiko, tap)
8. Yume no kioku (Taiko set, tip tap)
9. Samayou (O-Taiko, Shinobue)
10. Irodori (Oke Taiko, Shinobue, tap)
Brought up musically in the percussionist group Kodō-which in Japan constitutes an institution respected on par with a symphony orchestra-Leonard Eto has been able to create a personal style that makes his performances a concentration of sonic power and instrumental virtuosity. Eto succeeds to in harnessing the full potential of the great Taiko drum by presenting emotionally charged pieces: in fact, he loves to convey the power of his music to the audience and urge them to to dance while listening to his music. Moving away from the Japanese tradition, Eto eschews the idea that Taiko is somehow confined to solemn rituals and his intention is to awaken its magical powers and energy.
The "three indispensable instruments" of Leonard Eto's music are the Hirado O-taiko (a large drum), the Oke Taiko (a smaller sized drum with a band that allows it to be played on the move) and the Chappa (brass cymbals).
Considered in the tradition as accompaniment instruments, to starting in the 1980s thanks to to Leonard Eto they have taken on a major role, not only in the Kodō group - of which Eto was the musical director for several years - but also within the world music scene, as a result of the many international collaborations that dot his career.
Leonard Eto
He was born to New York in 1963. He joined to the famous Japanese drum group KODŌ in 1984 as musical director and composer. Eto has written some songs that have become famous in the Japanese drumming repertoire such as "Zoku" and "Irodori." He has been performing as a solo artist since 1992,
self-producing multidisciplinary projects such as LEO PROJECT, which combines dance, live painting and music, and CLUB LEO, a music improvisation performance. International collaborations have led to him to perform in 35 countries, with such high-profile events as: The Great Music Experience at the Great Buddha Todaiji Temple in Nara, Japan (1994), together to Bob Dylan, INXS, The Chieftains, Bon Jovi, composer Michael Kamen, Ray Cooper and Roger Taylor (Queen). During the various editions of the MEGADRUMS Europe Tour (1990, '93, '99), as well as international festivals and festivals, he collaborates with world-renowned artists such as Zakir Hussein (tabla), Andreas Vollenweider (harp), Milton Cardona (percussion), Doudou Ndiaye Rose, Max Roach, Michael Shrieve (SANTANA), Siouxie Sioux, The Creatures and others. Leonard's musicianship is defined as follows from H. Kawasaki of the "Mainichi News Paper": "The festive, bright essence and primitive joy of Leonard's music can easily transcend ethnic barriers. Just let yourself be carried away by the sense of freedom that the sounds from he creates convey-that's all you have to do."
For film, Eto has collaborated on the soundtracks for JFK, The Lion King, The Thin Red Line, The Hunted-The Prey and others.
Tsu-ku-tsu, commissioned by the American dance company PILOBOLUS, has quickly become one of the most representative works of Leonard Eto's frenetic, cross-cultural talent. The to Boston debut of Tsu-Ku-Tsu in 2000 then paved the way to to great critical and audience acclaim to New York at the Joyce Theatre in June of that year.
Michiko Yamada
She studied under Yukihiro Isso, fue-kata (Noh flutist) of the Isso school. In 2009 she went on a tour organized by the Japan Foundation for the Japan and Danube Friendship year, to Hungary, Burgaria and Poland.
From 2001 to 2005 he was a member of the Japanese tap group Stripes. He took part in the films of Takeshi Kitano: Zatōichi (2003) and Takeshis (2005).