L'arte di insegnare per accendere la passione per la Scienza
Esplorando le sinfonie della biologia molecolare
The art of teaching to ignite a passion for Science
Exploring the symphonies of molecular biology
II edition
at 9:30
Welcome greetings
Andrea Sisti Mayor of Spoleto
Luigina Renzi Spoleto Councillor for Education
Ashley Young Program Manager, Amgen Foundation, USA
Rebecca Lewis Amgen Biotech Experience Program Director, EDC - Education Development Center, Boston, USA
Rossana Bruno Senior Manager Corporate affairs, AMGEN, Milan
Anna Pascucci Director, Amgen Biotech Experience Italy, National Association of Natural Science Teachers (ANISN)
at 10:00
Session I: Communities and strategies in the world of the Amgen Biotech Experience Program.
The common vision and global challenge crossing ocean waves
ABE Program Office, USA
Rebecca Lewis Amgen Biotech Experience Program Director, EDC Boston, USA
ABE Japan
Yasuyuki Goto Director of ABE Japan, University of Tokyo
ABE France
Alain Bessis Director of ABE France, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
ABE United Kingdom
Sue Sissling Director of ABE UK, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK.
ABE Italy
Anna Pascucci Director of ABE Italy, ANISN, Naples, Italy
Anna Pascucci Director, Amgen Biotech Experience Italy, ANISN
AT 12:30
at 14:00
Welcome from part of the international directors of the ABE
Rebecca Lewis ABE Program Office USA
Yasuyuki Goto ABE Japan
Sue Sissling ABE United Kingdom
at 14:20
Session II: Multifaceted expressions of the Italian ABE community.
Alliance with the scientific community to inspire the next generation of scientists
Aldo Donizetti Department of Biology - University of Naples "Federico II"
Stefania Grillo Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (IBBR), National Research Council
Cristina Miceli School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine - University of Camerino
Brunella Franco Southern High School - University of Naples "Federico II"
Mimmo Turano Department of Biology - University of Naples "Federico II"
at 15:45
Shared leadership to support processes
Gilda Nappo Coordinator of the ABE Italy Distribution Center, Milan
Luigina Renzi Coordinator of the ABE Italy Distribution Center, Spoleto
Roberta De Stasio Coordinator of the ABE Italy Distribution Center, Naples
Silvia Bellocchio ABE Italy trainer and ambassador, ANISN 10'
Pier Paolo Eramo School Director ABE Italy "G. D. Romagnosi," Parma 10'
Playing the notes of the Molecular Biology symphony to school
The voices of teachers and students involved in ABE programs in Italy
ABE Italy Teacher Awards Ceremony
Francesca Traclò Award
at 19:00
Fondazione Carla Fendi